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Movie details

Title: Loophole
Released: 2019-01-08
Genre: Science Fiction
Director: Sam Raimi
Date: 2019-01-08
Runtime: 86 Minutes
Homepage: Homepage Movie
Trailer: Video Trailer

Casts of Loophole:

Chloé Lukasiak, Gabrielle Valladares, Deven Bromme, Gary Lee Vincent, Jessica Shannon, Emily Lapisardi, Kera O'Bryon, Macie McSwain, Timothy E. Goodwin, Will Steckman, Michael Sigler, Iris S Moy Bautista, Gant Montgomery, Shelby Brunn, Leona Worcester, Elizabeth Cascarelli, Jason Hostetler, Jeff Dreyer, Don Nehlen, Jonathan Dent, Anna Hess, Ronda Suder, Mark Shrader, Anil Sachdeva, Robert Hillard, Amy Hostetler, Jeannie Smith, Logan Welch, Ryan Smyth, Derek Bromme, Joshua Luzier, Erik Sinsel, Dave Rothwell, Iris Bautista, Alexandra Ayoob, Tim Barney, Savannah Fouts, David Scoville, Joshua Caleb Short, Leanna Davenport, Emma Hostetler, John Wrick, Lara Mckenzie, Layla Turner, John Dent, Madison Naugle, Matteo Marino, Carmen Fullmer, Mark Falvo,

"Violence is to be human"

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Plot Loophole (2019):
The future of humanity hangs in the balance, as both sides race against time to find the bloodline of Judas Iscariot.

Rating: 4.7 out of 10 ★ From 3 Users

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